Monday, September 17, 2012

Kennadi LAUREN Richards

On thursday September 6 I got a text message from my bestfriend/cousin/ex roommate/partner in crime Cami saying Kennadi is coming. She was already at the hospital at that point! I was so excited I was also a little mad because I had to go to work!! So that whole day I was checking my phone to see if she was there yet.. But She was a bit stubborn she didn't arrive until 5:37pm.
She is the cutest thing in the world I can't wait to spoil her rotten
And yes she was named after me!! So I'm kinda like the god mother! She Loves me already! :) anyways here are some picture Of Her!
Xoxo -M

Monday, September 3, 2012

Last weekend of summer

This weekend was amazing it was a perfect end to a great summer!
My beautiful friend Laurin got married so kristin and I traveled down south to good old Delta.. Can I just say delta isn't so bad. I had a lot of fun. I got to see some of my nanny friends from New York! It was a great night!

Sunday was pretty amazing to! Church is always good and Sunday nights with good friends aren't so bad either ;)

Today my BFFITW and I went to lagoon and it was so much fun! I haven't been to lagoon in years! It was a lot of fun!
It was SO nice not working for 3 days! Fall is my favorite season can wait for all my fall activities!
Summer has come and gone. It's now football season, hoodies and colored mountain's, crisp cool weather. I'm pretty excited for fall this year. I love everything about this time of year!
I have to admit that I'm SO excited for football season! Nothing beats sitting in a stadium full of fans cheering on your favorite team right?? Right!!
Also My Jazz season starts pretty soon as well. Sports make the world go round :)
Xoxo -M
Ps if CAMI PACKER RICHARDS doesn't have her baby soon I will CUT someone! :) peace and love!!