Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oh Hey Boo!!

So today leon and I had a playdate over at anna's. Anna and leon have been friends for a very long time, like 4 out of the 5 years they have been alive. As i was getting leon out of the car he told me "Markel if anna trys to kiss me today i think ill let her" when he said that i was shocked. he is not the type of boy that likes to play with girls.. i pretty much FORCE him. lately he ask shown alot of interest in girls! oh dear he is only 5! So as we are at the door Anna says " Oh hey Leon" Leon says "Oh hey Boo"  i about died! i laughed so HARD!! my cute little 5 year old acting all gangsta! i Have no idea where he learned that from.. haha jk okay he learned it from me..i quote Bon qui qui all the time. I have corrupted these children MUAHAHAHHA!!


  1. Bahahahaha this made me laugh! Oh Markel and your corruption! :)

  2. Oh Markellie...That is hilarious. Way to corrupt the minions...
